Windows XP Pro SP3 lite V.2012
Windows XP Pro SP3 lite V.2012. Ini adalah sebuah windows Xp yang telah mengusung SP3 yang mana telah di modifikasi sehingga ukuran Windows XP Pro SP3 lite V.2012 (Lite) ini tidak seperti Windows Xp pada umumnya, Windows Xp ini berukuran hampir menjadi setengah ukuran aslinya yaitu hanya sekitar 245 MB saja, cocok sekali di instal untuk PC/Laptop yang memiliki spek rendah ataupun juga bermain game, sungguh sangat disayangkan karena dari sumbernya tidak dijelaskan apa saja komponen yang di hilangkan dari system ini.
- lighter and faster and smaller in size at all between all copies of X B
- This edition contains all features of version X B normal
- except for some properties and files of others important to the user ordinary, such as language packs
- that do not interest them, as well as some non-important games and package Messenger and
- files for tablet devices .... Etc. and all of which are not significant
- and do not matter in the normal Almtstkhaddm nothing at all
- has been the integration of all definitions and SATA as well as all updates and security patches up to today's date
- to some Balodhavy Albrasz important program such as WinRAR and DirectX
- latest versions until today's date in the version
- containing the copy on the Internet Explorer 8 and Media Player 11's new
- version also contains a nice variety of themes and beautiful Alkhfila that give
- the copy granted by the beautiful and a touch of creative touches to the size of 250